Join us for the SS4A Public & Stakeholder meeting - April 8th 4pm

For more information you can visit the SS4A website at www.LincolnCountySS4A.com or go to our forms page to view the flyer.

Emergency Management

The Emergency Management Director's Office

Tyler Hogsett
Emergency Management Deputy Director
Tyler Hogsett
Tyler Hogsett
Emergency Management Deputy Director
Charlotte Brown
Emergency Management Director
Charlotte Brown
Charlotte Brown
Emergency Management Director

Please visit our website at https://lincolncountyem.org/ for more information.

Lincoln County Emergency Management (LCEM) prepares for, responds to, recovers from and mitigates against disasters and emergencies. The department maintains a county emergency operations center which serves as a command center during severe weather operations and disaster response; coordinating various county resources to minimize response times and maximize effectiveness. LCEM provides services for every jurisdiction in Lincoln County as well as the three tribal entities within the county.

LCEM works closely with both the public and private sector to ensure county wide preparedness and optimum response capabilities.

Upon request, LCEM prepares and distributes disaster preparedness materials, presentations and training for the citizens, responders and businesses within Lincoln County with the intent of creating an environment of Whole Community Preparedness.

More Emergency Management Links

Lincoln County Emergency Management Website

READY Prepare, Plan, Stay Informed
Keeping your home safe during flooding per Alarms.org

Burn Ban Information
National Weather Service

Red Cross

Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management
Oklahoma Emergency Management Association
